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Whats the best diet for me - whats the champion fare for me

01-02-2017 à 15:28:02
Whats the best diet for me
I have no idea what to eat since my attack. Ibuprofen For Pancreatitis Pancreatitis Supplements For Pancreas Healing. 2 weeks later I woke up with some stomach pain and I said thats enough, something is wrong, I am going to the hospital. I envision the chciken fat being absorbed by the coating mixture which may cause problems. A Pancreatitis Diet Does NOT Include Fast Food. The question this past month was to remove the rest of my pancreas or just live with what I have despite the fact my pancreatic duct is very constricted. i had also gone to the emergency room for an unusual rythmatic pain or tightness in my upper abdomen along with upper back pain, but I have never had the pain people on this forum describe thank God. Get health information delivered straight to your inbox. I love playing basketball and thats my main form of exercise. Well its been another 10 years,Been in pain on and off but nothing like before until lately. Each of us who have suffered long-term with pancreatitis are, unfortunately, more prone to cancer of the pancreas. I used to drink soda pop as well but not a lot. I take insulin using Novalog Flexpen which started about a year ago after a glucose tolerance test revealed my BS was spiking and not coming down. Legumes such as lentils, beans and peas are rich in fiber, protein and b vitamins. Those are the two enemies of a damaged pancreas. Second, a response rate of only about 75% is expected in patients with the spastic-type of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. The food diary will take out the guess work. The GI who did the EUS according to my doc was the best, now he said my pancreas is perfect no markers the secretin came back not good once again again he said for some reason which happens with some people I dont produce much fluid when tested so he is not really taking it into account although it came out bad. Last times when I was in pancreatitis attack I took 1000 mg per day and in next day I was pain free. Thanks again and thank you for making this awesome blog. Jaundice can turn your urin a dark yellow. About 1 gram of plant fat (polyunsaturated) and 17 grams of protein in cranberry beans. Yes, you understand. They recommended a low fat, high fiber diet but nothing really stringent. Does it mean I need to back off or is it all part of the healing process. Then just stick to a no fat, no oil diet and and pray that the sphincter does not start having problems. The only things I suggest you be wary of are fat and alcohol. Food can still be enjoyed fat free, just means no more packaged or take away foods. THAT is where the difference lies, in the extent of damage. I was at a great hospital and they saved me, Drs call it a miracle(how do I take that). Neither beans or rice contain a lot of fat (a cup of beans and a cup of rice will have about 3 grams of total plant fat). The only other drug I take is simethicon for bloating. Hi Stacey, I noticed that you said to substitute nutritional yeast for the cheese in the mac and cheese. then two etc. Most info out there, whether online or offline, is wrong. Also, i have quite a bit of a sweet tooth. My dad had acute on chronic pancreatitis in Jan 2014. Also, the doctor said two common causes of pancreatitis are gallstones and sphincter of oddi dysfunction. I eat beans very often because they are a great source of low fat protein. But, they did see evidence of moderate to severe attacks. You may get to the point you feel almost normal yet you are NOT cured and if you CHEAT by eating foods that you should not eat you may very well find yourself miserable and in pain. I hope your father quits drinking, begins a correct diet and starts using the supplements. Above, someone mentioned that his or her Amylase levels were normal. My pancreatic pain is down to a 2 on a scale of 1 through 10. I hate to see people sick with this crap. All I could taste was aspirin, and I felt weird but that ended the acute pain attacks. He started having abdominal pain 3 weeks ago. So a touch of jaundice may have caused the change in urine color BUT dehydration does the same thing to urine, the dark yellow color change. Soybeans and soy products on the other hand contain way to much fat. After two surgeries, I was still told that occasional lean red meat was still ok. So you might want to have your doc write you a prescription for one or even two antiemetics. You can search web for fat free vegan also to get ideas. Post Whipple surgery I changed my diet- no red meat, fried foods, milk, fats etc so you can imagine my frustration to why I keep getting pancreatitis. I hope you all had a safe and happy Thanksgiving and will also have a blessed, safe and Merry Christmas smile emoticon. I had pancreatic attacks and CIC since 1997. I go into GNC occasionally and their products are so expensive. Read it all Robert but there is no need to be grateful. If you make your broth with any kind of meat it may have to much fat. my final MRI came back and it showed no damage or abnormalities to any part of my body. From November 2015 to till now am in diet( low fat). I am dedicated to keeping a strict diet and going to find some grape seed extract as well. Some people on this blog have said that the ultrasound did not find gallstones. This is all confusing and a bit sad especially when caring for two babies but you have made this easier to understand and except, seriously the best information is right here. I beat pancreatitis using the health guys food guide. IF they can kill the infection (it sounds like that is happening) and he can heal without surgery he has a much better chance of living without pain. HG, thanks for the Grape Seed Extract recommendation. They always think it is my gall bladder and it never is after many horrible tests. That takes a proper pancreatitis diet (low in fat, mostly plant based), anti-inflammatory supplements (grape seed extract, curcumin, vitamin C) and Ibuprofen or aspirin when needed. But even after removal of gallbladder if the sphincter is already damaged from previous attacks, then I might have to take a chance on the sphincterotomy as a last resort. Many things besides gallstones can cause acute pancreatitis (various drugs, high blood fat levels, illnesses, abdominal injury, sphincter of oddi dysfunction and more) which causes damage to the pancreas. I would like to ask you a couple of things though. Then if you are okay, a few hours later, try another small meal. The same is true for me, they cannot find gallstones. It just so happens I am creating a new post just for you Miroslav. Started with diarrhea that afternoon, then every time I ate and drank, for three days horrible pain every time something went in my mouth. Hi Miroslav you are definitely an enigma my friend. I have stuck to your diet but i am Diabetic so on top of watching the fat I also have to watch the sugar. After I eat the meat, 20 to 40 minutes later I have excruciating pain in upper abdomen that makes me moan, I can feel it moving down to my stomach which then also makes me double up. Keep in mind fat is NOT just fat when working out your pancreatitis diet. From your posts I get it that omelette cooked without is OK so hard-boiled should be the same. Can you please suggest me what kind of food he can eat and will be suitable for him. Stuff like that is dangerous and makes me cringe. Those two triggers are OUT when it comes to a pancreatitis diet. The original chocolate has 4 grams of fat and should be ok for one snack or one meal. The overall pattern is fairly consistent but within that on any given day there are fluctuations. They are also as low in fat as possible for animal protein sources. Is Fat free yogurt ok for pancreatic diet. I think you are right about diet being key. Beat with rotary beater or whisk until foamy. Another random question, with things like almonds and coconut products have you had to just completely avoid them, even if the fat content from them would be under your daily total fat percentage. Chronic comes in mild and severe as well and it is progressive in nature. I read it a MC fat, and the pancreas is not needed to digest. But at least it identified the cause of my pain and gave me a chance to manage my pain. The endocrinologist is a great, but I think she is used to treating your standard Type 2 diabetics and since my A1c appears under control, I think she feels she has done her job. If it is OTC (over the counter) enzymes like I take maybe reducing the amount might work. You are so right about the lack of knowledge and bad or conflicting info out there. What do you suggest in the way of desserts. i can not handle without simethicon. I am a bit tensed with this fact, thinking whether it will be good for him or not. However, there are several drawbacks to medical therapy. Last two attacks were when I took vitamin B-probably I am the only man in world who have pancreattitis due to vitamin B. That should have been the first introduced food coming off of NPO. Thank you so much for responding so fast. I saw you said use Ibuprofen during the flair up. Regarding your comment that we are one meal away from disaster. When that happens they are spit from the gallbladder into the common bile duct and travel down the common bile duct until they pass through the SO (sphincter of oddi) and into the duodenum. When someone guarantees healing get it in writing. Up until then I had never heard of pancreatitis but soon read as much as I could about it. But I warn you I can hardly keep from eating the whole batch at once lol. I just give it all to Him and He handles it. Hi Barbara, the grape seed extract, vitamin C and curcumin should be fine. After you heal you could try small amounts of salmon. Boost Plus has 14 grams of fat in that dinky 8 oz bottle. When things seem overwhelming and you lose some of your hope, remember that others are thinking about you, praying for you and wishing you get better as quickly as possible and you are not alone. But as I said I have faith in God and I believe my husband will definitely recover. If you still have your gallbladder it could be that as well or SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction). But I had been having acute pancreatitis attacks for the past 2 years without knowing it. What exactly did the doctors find when they looked at your gallbladder. First thing we noticed, is that the vomiting slowed way up. How to beat panctreatitis and promote pancreas healing. Plus my pancreas is still functioning a little and they thought it should just be left alone. I want to thank you for this post cause it gives me guidance. Since the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis is already scarred and damaged acute pancreatitis is much more likely to occur and if severe can kill you. But I think that my amylase levels are normal only because of GSE. Yep gallstones are a common cause of acute pancreatitis. I did see a homeopath as you suggested regarding the calcification (chelation) and am on her meds. YOu mentioned gallstones or SOD are common reasons for pancreatitis. One cup boasts about 15 grams of protein (lentils have about the same). After being discharged from the hospital I developed awful lowers back pain, vomiting, and could not tolerate any food at all. I might have 80 carbs worth of insulin stored or 8 units combined and going to work on my last meal or snack which was only 30 carbs. I Know the diet you posted has helped me manage my pain. I usually only have one or two meals a day. I know that may all sound like common sense and even trite, but the pain makes it easy to forget all these things. Most everyone I have talked to who has had surgical removal of tissue (especially large amounts) usually live in more pain than those who do not have surgery. You have to do what you think is good for you. Your flatulence may dissappear after your body adjusts to not having a gallbladder. So whatever that translates as is what it is. Soups that say fat free or 99% fat free yet contain beef or pork are whole different story. Make sure you check the fat content and read the label to determine where the fat comes from. I learned that the hard way from eating ripe bananas. Having no idea where I stood with this diagnosis, and starving to death, I ordered a hot roast beef sandwich, mash potatoes with gravy, (gravy on the sandwich too), and a chocolate milkshake to wash it down. I also do a big bake of vegetables on a Sunday night to snack on through the week such as potatoes, sweet potato, bell peppers, mushrooms, cauliflower, I use egg white instead of oil and flavour them with herbs, salt n pepper or and paprika. Still, to avoid losing weight I try to eat 5 times a day: 3 meals and 2 snacks in between. There is no question of tolerating fish,as he refused to have it. After that, he tried to have little bit of salmon and chicken salad, he was still in pain. Those pancreatic enzymes, especially prescription doses, are strong. It is used for slight to moderate pain (headaches, arthritis, etc) but it shines like a bright star when it comes to inflammation of the pancreas. It is really important to find out what is actually wrong with you. I am very worried that it is pancreatitus. Just follow the list of food that health guy put on his website and try a small meal at a time. Hi Susan great questions and I have to admit have never had it before. Go through the clear juice and saline IV. Some days I do get depressed and overwhelmed than I take a minute and realize I am not alone. The one thing that I rarely if ever have an issue with is chicken. I have been taking the GSE since the hospital and vitamin C recently. The more I read about this disease, the more I get depressed. Most contain a combination of estrogen and a progestin. There was a guy who was sicker than a dying dog, on a feeding tube and his wife was extremely worried. I was seen within 45 mins to an hour from the time I had an attack. In low doses, 200 mgs to 400 mgs per day for a week to 10 days Ibuprofen (advil, motrin) will help eliminate the inflammation of chronic pancreatitis or the residual inflammation of AP which in turn resolves symptoms, usually. Again, read labels and check fat content for serving size. If it is rich, creamy and or tasty it is most likely off the list of safe pancreatitis diet foods. I hope for your continued recovery and success with the GB surgery. Now, a week later, my upper abdomen hurts after I eat meat, mostly red meat and a little with chicken. I was diagnosid AP on last January. I have never heard of a vinegar containing alcohol. Then my genetic test for celiac came back strong positive, he tested my blood for celiac, which came back negative. it almost feels like a congestion or pressure at times in my upper abdomen and back. I use Lyrica. I got diagnosed with acute pancreatitus in june 2014. Then that Friday night I ate a greasy fatty meal. After that, when I can eat chicken, white fish again, I have these questions. It could make a HUGE difference in the quality of his life. I always thought it was Gerd because of doctors telling me so. I have faith in God that He will definitely let both of us see the happy times again after this tough phase. Over time they think it will stop functioning altogether and morph into a fibrous mass. I could NOT stand to have anything, even a paperback book lay on it. Now I see that there is 15 g fat in 100 g fennel seed. Well I faithfully followed the low fat diet and took the creon. Than i was told if you only eat veggies but no carrots, peas, corn and all meats. I can tell you with about 99. I love to eat strawberries, grapes, sweet potatoes, salmon with fresh herbs,cous cous and I eat a lot of bell peppers with onion and broccoli. Ive had chronic calcifying pancreatitis for a while. Red meat, pork, lamb, duck will kill you or make you wish you were dead. Now to your question: Take pacreatic enzymes only with a meal. I drink it occasionally now and seem to be fine with it. I was diagnosed with ap at the beginning of 2014. I would like desparately to speak with you. The pain goes to my back sometimes and I am belching and hiccuping a lot. Anyway, it might be time to check with your doctor and find out what is actually wrong. It is best to spread the doses out so that the grape seed and vitamine C are always working through the pancreas. According to the CTscan report his grade of acute necritising pancreatitis is 6, which means 50% or more than that of pancreas is necrotic. I cant handle that pain-it is nightmare. Hope the other is minor and things go well for you. If it contains forbidden meat pass it by. If she is on a prescription enzyme med you may want to ask the doc if a lower dose may not be warranted. You may want to talk to your doc (first one) about lowering the dose. Still get pain from time to time in my lower back and under the right rib but not as extreme as it used to be. i always had bloating on and off after eating. If you have had only one mild attack you could heal up completely and never have another problem. I really would like to rid myself of this condition as well as supposed Gerd I have, Im average weight and height btw but losing weight still. When choosing foods for your pancreatitis diet the following foods should be avoided like the plague. If you enjoy pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and possible pancreatic necrosis, cysts, hemorrhage and death by all means disregard anything I am telling you. But in the meantime I would like to follow your diet. I have been chewing gum the last couple of days, and read that it has 2 grams of sugar alcohol. No alcohol. But thanks to you, I am learning a lot about this disease. Good for most but not so good for those with an inflamed pancreas. ) Needless to say by midnight I was going into another attack. Naproxen might be useful but may not work as well as Ibuprofen and the doses amounts are not the same. I signed a consent form before the procedure, allowing the surgeon to explore the second sphincter if the first sphincter was ok. Technically venison is red meat but it is WAY leaner than beef, about 1 g of fat per oz. Anethole, found in essential oil may have some bearing on your problem. I just sent my husband to find me turmeric, grape seed and grapefruit juice. I make vegetarian chili or chili with ground chicken and loads of chili powder and other spices that give it heat and zing. So if you use either make sure to read the labels and avoid any formula with alcohol. No sense in playing with something that can turn dangerously ugly in a heart beat. My Gastro doctor want me to follow up with an ultrasound and CT with contrast of my entire pelvic region which I have scheduled on February 3rd Do you know what this means and do you have reccommedations for me right away. Both of my MDs were on vacation, when the surgeon finally saw me a week and a half into symptoms- my amylase was normal and my lipase was over 400. Sure enough the doctor said I had acute pancreatitis. Yep I understand you have a balancing act with the insulin issue. Each egg white has about 4 grams of protein (zero fat). I would NOT suggest taking 2600mgs of aspirin in a day. I am NOT trying to scare you, just being realistic. I will keep in mind your suggestion of strictly vegan food and ask him to eat only the veg food. The ONLY thing your doc got right was that dairy should be avoided and veggies are good. HG, I found the Grape Seed extract you mentioned and will order it iine. I want to eat so badly and my appetite is crazy huge. But for the last few days have started getting a terrible pain under my right rib just after eating. Surgery can actually make SOD worse (due to scar tissue). Steve kept saying that he was going to eat Thanksgiving Dinner with the rest of us, but I felt sick to my stomach wondering how he was going to take it when he finds out that he will never eat again. Congrats on completing the fasting and V8 term. So to answer your question some foods may trigger immediate unwanted response but I have found those foods to be very few. I think what drew me to your site was some of the intro about how much info is out there and how either unreliable or confusing it all can be. I have done blood tests and ultrasounds and all were found. I only been on the no fat, no oil diet for 3 weeks and already lost 5 lbs. My 3rd bout of Pancreatitis this year landed me in ICU for 2 weeks. Most of the foods listed by Mr Health guy was already on my diet. The worst thing is that GSE give me temporaly relief and I take about 1800 mg per day. Try putting your questions into a list and comment with that list of question every now and then. Wine vinegar such as rice wine vinegar should be ok. The same holds true for sludge because sludge is nothing more than small stones. Peel a ripe banana (one that has a lot of spots and the peel is turning brown and sniff it. Take Care. I then add a bunch of water and blend it in my Nutri Bullet Blender. Have a good day and a time. servings. NOTHING no, b vitamins, no minerals, no other herbs. It also has very little nutrient value and is not the same as grape seed extract. I did not realize aspirin could help there. But the good news is, after a while it gets easier. Also, it is very reassuring that you have managed this disease for 36 years. What I mean by that is normal as in never having had pancreatitis. When PI occurs most patients need high doses of creon at each meal. Hopefully the egg white protein powder will be fine. The interesting thing to note is that grape seed oil does NOT contain the beneficial flavonoids that grape seed extract contains because of the oil content (the polyphenol flavonoids are not fat soluble) and cold processing. Looking back, i believe i have had other pancreatitis attacks going back 4 years. I have a terrible bloating and flatuance now. Make yourself a pumkin pie without the crust. Your pancreatitis diet needs to be tailored to you just like a fine suit of clothes. Any of the OTC medications that people take for headache and fever will help for someone that has hypertension, just be sure and read the label. He was given treat ment. You can track a new food and eat it multiple times over a week period and then see what happens within that week and the next. They are few and far between but they are out there. Good luck. But now is different. Each egg white provides approximately 4 grams of protein. The surviving spouse or relative of a dead pancreatitis victim. I have a great relationship with God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit so I give all my fear, depression and need for comfort to Him in prayer and he handles it for me( 1 Peter 5:7 ). Beans (red, kidney, black, white, navy), vegetarian beans. What exactly are you calling a low-fat diet. I have chronic pancreatitis and I understand most people with this have are underweight, like me. I never had motion sickness before but when I was sick, before i was able to heal, riding in the car sometimes made me sick as did running. Pretty much everything I know and do to stay well can be found on this blog. Sometimes surgery is simply necessary to save lives or to realistically prevent a life threatening situation. I want to control my Blood Sugar along with weight gain, reduce pain and get off pain meds. Do you agree or disagree with my thinking. Add on: I was curious so googled bmi calculator and did the first one on the page. I have a tendency to deal with the most deadly or potentially deadly threat at the time. Ibuprofen has been known to cause heart attack in high doses and when used for long periods and it can also damage the kidneys over time. All his medical reports are gradually doing better, as now the WBC count came down to 14930 from 47700 (normal below 10000), CRP is 16, which went up to 63. You wrote that people with only one mild acute attack have been known to recover and never have problems ever again. As of now all you have said sounds like GOOD news to me. Depending on the EUS, i am not CP but i am near of it doctor says. Grape seed seems to help with both in some studies using rats as a model. The only thing that I can say may be a safe possibility for your sweet tooth is hard rock candy if you can find it. My vitamin D level has dropped to a critical 8 (30-100 is best). So try one tablespoon and taste if needed add another tablespoon. Grape seed, curcumin, C and aspirin should be a good combo. Diet exacerbates pancreas inflammation once one has had acute pancreatitis but as far as a cause, not likely. However, If there was one possible culprit it was a fatty diet and elevated triglycerides (not off the charts by any means). She was ok with a higher fat diet(still low by normal standards) but not nearly as stringent as your plan. As health guy said, if your lipase and amylase are very high, that would mean you have pancreatitis. Oil is fat. I started losing this last 20 lbs about 14 mths ago and started on insulin 12 months ago, so the weight loss had started prior to beginning insulin. Anyway that is one reason I have figured out that SOD can occur. I carefully read the labels on all products just mentioned. The problem is that Acetaminophen is a very weak pain killer for anything more than a moderate headache. I take NOW plant enzymes due to pork allergy. If your system has not been clean out it could take weeks to get rid of the previously eaten foods, many of which may be the source of your suffering. I asked what his wife eats, she has been on a vegetarian diet and has not had an attack for years. EUS is going to be hard on me because of my gastric bypass 8 years ago. The acute pancreatitis triggers found in a poorly planned pancreatitis diet consist of two things. Went to see his primary care 2 weeks ago, without trying to diagnose him, the doctor said it was just heartburn, and prescribed him acid blocker. My spleen was also removed, but I still have my gallbladder. I read your information and it just resonated with me. I proof read my msg and there were quite a few mistakes. One cup of soy beans contains 15 grams of fat. Amlodipine is a calcium chammel blocker and they usually do NOT go well with grapefruit. Whether the same happens in humans or not has yet to be determined. I went to the health store and bought more grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C. Labels lie but I can drink a little fat free milk without problems so it depends a lot on the product itself. Its very dificult finding things I can eat. They will help eliminate the pancreas inflammation and promote healing. Anyway, was wondering about consuming a few things after the fasting and v-8 days, which I completed. I would rate it mild to moderate, and sometimes I take Aspirin or Ibuprofen to stop that pain. Peas and lima beans also have good quality protein just less than beans and lentils. Your doctor is an idiot when it comes to a diet for pancreatitis. The creon made me feel so much worse, and was having worse bloating long story long I decided to see another doctor to manage my symptoms. My last attack (it was only my 2nd one) found me vomiting longer and harder than the first time. The doctor said they found some inflammation in his stomach so it was just a minor gastritis (and got biopsy from his stomach). So with proper diligence towards diet you could lead a fairly normal life. I felt my doctor was very hard to communicate with. Eat, pain, pain meds, constipation in this self constant loop. Had an attack in Nov. My first attack of acute pancreatitis came in July of 2010. Thank you again and enjoy your 3 day weekend. At the last blood test, the level had come down to 61. The grape seed extract I use (Now Foods 100 mg vcap) contain vitamin C as well. Hi Alex sorry to hear you are not well and are suffering. They think that may actually improve the pain. Ginger, curcumin, cayenne (chili powder etc), paprika, rosemary are all anti-inflammatory, black pepper (helps curcumin absorption), the rest all seem to work with no problem. Thank you again for your answers in advance. They move or have tissue grow around them, in them etc which seems to cause problems. That food diary, with every detail is going to be key. I noticed that MY major symptoms usually disappeared after fasting. Otherwise I live a completely normal life, I sleep well and have no urgency or pain. I have to overlay your guidelines onto a whole new shopping list at the supermarket and create a daily meal plan that gives 2 or 3 alternatives for each major meal and then good healthy snacks. I had an ercp with two biliary stents placed. Then after you have prepped properly start your diary and try black pepper on a batch of egg whites. Also egg whites, mushroom and spinach omelettes are another good one, or pancakes with blueberries and banana. Another major surgery to repair what was left of my pancreatic duct which is now severely constricted based on recent MRI at MAYO clinic and no one talks about diet which I now think is the only thing that may save my life. Sorry just read your message again but it depends how much Mac your cooking. alomost stopped taking any solid food. Once you heal up and can add skinless chicken, turkey, fish to your diet that will enhance your protein intake as well. Both stones and sludge can create scarring which narrows the SO. Another surgery to remove the rest of my pancreas is apparently too dangerous. It may be a wild goose chase but it may also turn out to be the way to resolve the pancreas calcification. I did not make MRI because due to gallblader surgery I have metal clips in my body and doctors said it could be dangerous. Or just trying to resolve pain and nausea. Even better is to simply eat some fresh, wild Cod. It is 48 minutes of some of the best information you will hear. I did not have any of the standard risk factors. Im also on circumin, grape fruit seed and grape seed extract. I happen to like shrimp and have eaten it since all this started, but these were 4 very good size shrimp and I thought maybe I overdid it, but it made me curious about the cholesterol vs fat issue. If something happens you may have grounds for a malpractice suit. I hope you heal up completely from the surgery and never have another problem. Fish (white meat fish such as cod, halibut, bass, crappie, pollack, orange roughy, talapia, catfish). Your doc probably never had pancreatitis, I have. About the high heart rate doctors are saying that it is the effect of antibiotics(he is now given DORIPENEM). But yes, 3-4-5-6-7 comments per day are little much. I had a second attack a year later and it was a whopper. Also, counting carbs and insulin injections just act as a restraint on my eating. I dont have complete faith in our medical system, also cant trust completely in there suggested diet. Hi Neal, what exactly did the doc mean by abnormal blood flow to the portal vein. I have terrible bloating and gases and I have severe pain due to gas. I cut out alot of fat and have never drank alcohol. Thank you for creating and maintaining this wonderful website. It may take several months for that adjustment to take place. You should have been tested with vegetable juice. Both may contain to much fat for his damaged pancreas. He told me I have mild chronic pancreatitis and gave me a low fat diet and creon. Thus one can still have problems after gallbladder surgery due to SOD. Curcumin should be avoided if you have gallstones or SOD. My Husband has a feeding tube and cannot take anything by mouth. My current symptoms are bloating after meals 2 or 3 times a week, upper abdomen pain not a sharp pain though a mild one mostly on right but it can be in middle or on left as well that comes and discomfort in back thoracic again not sharp a tight discomfort and pressure. By the way is the necrotic tissie infected. Thanks for sharing all the precious info on beating pancreatitis. no non veg and no coffees and teas and main thing is no curd rice. I can only explain what I have done or pass on information I find that may be of interest. That is why I posted a seperate post about avoiding curcumin if someone has GB issues or SOD. You order poached eggs on toast, no butter, and hash browns cooked without oil. I am using a Pompein Grape seed oil spray. And them you go home, I felt way better, gained strength and weight back, taking my enzymes and I started cheating a little on the diet. I guess some are just genetically programmed to get this disease. Find a doc who 1) listens 2) can actually diagnose properly. S. I have lost a lot of weight since then, eating healthy and small portions and exercising. I am thinking that I should have my gallbladder removed to eliminate the chances of any future stones and sludge build up. Hi Amber, I apologize I am late in reponding. The only alternative I know for cheese is, well, nothing. Do your research before you let them cut your sphincter. They may even help his immune system kill the bacteria causing the infected necrotic tissue. Because that could mean something else is happening, not just pancreatitis. Then there is the gentic issue which has nothing to do with gallstones or sludge and is simply a malfucntion of the SO. Have been abdominal pain free since 18th March now when last hospitalised. My doctors say, its just normal noises the stomach makes, and also some remaining side effects of my acute attack. As far as the blog being big, well, read it one chunk at a time. The more damage the less fat and alcohol one tolerates. I do understand that having cancer is a little different but who knows right. Many prescription and OTC products are NOT gluten free. He also warned about the risk of pancreatitis. Curcumin and turmeric both increase bile flow which can dislodge a lurking stone left behind during GB surgery. first food (your choice) potaotes. Doctors are so brain dead when it comes to pancreatitis. But she still uses olive oil on her salads. I just had blood work last week, Dr said I was fine. I never really realized how much fat was in cheese. Anyway it was sometime before thanks giving a year ago, not this past one but about a year but the one before if I recall correctly. The bread should be ok too but read the label. I trust in Almighty God, His Son and the fact that He takes care of me. It all depends on how much damage your pancreas sustained. Prayer, belief, the right diet and supplements can and do heal. I was getting bad cramps and the first doctors visit they thought my system was just getting backed up and I needed more fiber in my diet. I feel like because I do fit the cookie cutter symptoms of anything. In fact I suggest a modified VEGAN diet (no meat, no dairy, no oil or fat) for 6 months or until you are healed enough to where you have ZERO symptoms. I had been reading your blog as I recovered at home, I raised my concern about taking Tramadol with my anti-depressants. I can tell you for a fact beef and pork did NOT work for me even after I healed. However, if your employer tells you it is eliminating insurance because of the law, I would be wary of the. Today a dietician came and suggested him to eat eggs and light chicken(skinless) soup, as his protien level is low and needs high protein diet. The death rate of acute pancreatitis reaches as high as 30% in severe cases complicated by infected necrosis. You could eat 9 egg whites and a half of a chicken breast for lunch, the other half for dinner etc and have eaten about 90 grams of protein while consuming only 6 grams of fat. When you come to WebMD Answers with questions, you also bring answers. If you are lonely join an online dating site or start a home business or find hobby that you can share with a friend. he still takes alcohol. Now, i am kinda stuck she is on 4 pain killers each day. I can get away with some no fat milk so maybe some no fat cheese might work too. I know you are taking a combination supplement that has 360 mgs of grape seed extract. I am back to work, about 95% pain-free, but some pain and keeping myself on clear liquids until the pain is gone. If you tolerate vegetable juice for 72 hours with NO symptoms then try veggies or some type of whole grain like brown rice or a combination of both in a small amount to see how it works out. Pray that they will guide the doctors to do everything right so your husband recovers nicely. That is very disturbing that SOD procedure only works 50% of the time and causes scar tissue and can trigger another attack. I believe in Almighty God, the creator of all things and I have a relationship with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Yet, we (those who have pancreatitis) are all just a meal away from disaster so I understand your fear, depression and need for comfort. Once this is accomplished your biliary and bowel system should be clean. Then there is a site called Experience Project, another called CureZone, another called Topix. Trypsin is actually the premo gold diagnostic enzyme but few medical centers have the capability to test for it from what I understand. Are you on other prescription medications (pain meds, nausea meds etc) besides insulin and enzymes. I worry a lot but only because my doctor does not answer my questions. I will add some to my own broth, thank you very much. One time during the siege I had to take 2600 mgs of aspirin in one day (2 horrible episodes of acute pain that day). To all of us: strange disease, we are all in this together, ill be on here forever. Is your mom on creon or another pancreatic enzyme med. Not much to do, I guess, until November when I see the GI specialist. So I looked for the culprit and found the turkey sausage was packed in pork casings. In the meantime, I found some at CVS and bought 50 capsules of 100 mg. On this subject one has to do what one thinks best. I learned all this crap the hard way (making myself sick) and researching for hours to find out why I was sick lol. It would be an awful thing to have chronic pancreatitis and not be able to care properly for yourself and eat the diet you need. Hi Health Guy, I just want you to know that I was praying to the Lord so hard about my husband, when He guided me to you sight. Your blog has been helpful learning what to avoid and i am working on it. I do think the metabolic stuff is still at the heart of the weight loss. Cool whip (any other fake crap made with oil). If you have it available no-fat milk might work. I asked my doctor many times, but she always said I was just stressed out. They are giving him soft diet orally now. Hopefully someone will find out why he had pancreatitis and how much damage was done. I will definitely try the supplements and will keep my fingers crossed. Your grape seed extract should be ONLY grape seed or grape seed with vitamin C or grape seed with maritime pine back. It can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and bleeding (ALL RARE), so use it as sparingly as possible. You can always role the dice and test your luck. grape seed extract, anti-oxidants, vitamin c, etc. He said if the problem is gallstones, then we have to remove the gallbladder. Instead, small amounts of organic veggie juice should be safe. The glue most always contains wheat which is gonna cause you, as a celiac, problems. I had a mild inflammation in the stomach. IF you are still eating a regular high fat diet that needs to be changed as well. In regards to actual body fat i have no clue. I am new to the blog and I saw your post. But no one mentioned the color of the urine. It took me quite sometime to figure it all out. I wish you and your husband good luck and him better health smile emoticon. I read that GSE decreases amylase levels. The thought of another AP attack is scary. If there is anything true about this CP stuff is there are no simple answers. Yeah, I have had no problems with it at all, I eat as much as I want of it. IF your pancreas has sustained enough damage you may always have problems and the sphincter of oddi procedure may cause another attack and works in only about 50% of cases. I ask because some of my smoothies would be just that much better if I could add 1 tbsp of almond butter, which would be 8g of fat. Either do what works or look forward to being sick every month, every other month, whatever. Greek yogurt, I have never even tried it or read a label. Everybody is an expert when it comes to pancreatitis, especially regarding diet and how to treat it successfully in a non-emergency scenario. If you can tolerate fat free milk that is another good source of protein. You can always try it and see how it works for you. I will go to Walmart also I love hot cocoa it is safe. The doctors are not very clear when explaining things. That would only spike your blood sugar because juicing fruits only creates a juice full of sugar. I think gallbladder removal was a huge mistake. The pain just brings out the worst and scariest thoughts. Neither procedure can guarantee another attack will not occur. The ER doctor found that he has pancreatitis (based on blood work result and ultrasound), and told him to be on juice diet for 2 days and then he should be fine. Symptoms are a sign of sickness and disease. No problem, thank you for the great comments. I came across something that indicated Niacin (vitamin B3) can reduce triglycerides. 5 grams of fat per meal, 25 grams daily total is a goal to shoot for as a target. From what I understand proteins (skinless white meat chicken, turkey and white meat fish) complex carbs (raw veggies, legumes like beans, peas, lentils) seem to be a diabetics friend and help stabilize blood sugar. Opiates will actually cause the SO to spasm which inturn often causes acute pancreatitis. They should be safe for you just like they are safe for me but who knows for sure. She still on it but from last 1 month the pain is not subsiding. PLUS since you are diabetic the grape seed will help protect your eyes and posiibly other organs from the effects of diabetes. Comes and goes throughout the day, does spike when I eat, but not always. Sorry to hear your pain, we have all suffered from that and some continue to suffer. Say I just found some info you might be interested in. I will agree your advices then i take 1000 mgs of C 4x daily. Then aspirin daily to control the inflammation along with grape seed, curcumin and C. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I thought the gallbladder is removed, so gallstones or sludge cannot block the ducts which can cause pancreatitis. Nothing else. Copious research and pain location led me to suspect SOD or pancreas. However, what concerns me is my weight and bowel movements. The reason that caused the pancreatitis was that I was taking acutane (acne meds, for some of you who dont know). The throwing up caused my pain to go away, All I got was that its constipation. Once we got going on this 4 times a day, it only took less than a week to start seeing a difference. That helped me and also helped my digestive system. Instead learn what you can do to live and live. I had this MRI a month ago that revealed my pancreatic duct is severely restricted. I hope your docs find what the problem is so you can address it and win. Psalm 91 is full of comfort for those who believe and trust in God. I am still trying to recover and it is very hard to trust anyone. I leave them in chunks some folks like them smashed up so you can do whatever you like. Shrimp Scampi, lobster dripping in butter are out. Hello Health Guy: I would like to find recipes for pancreatitis sufferers. EVERY hospital I have ever visited carries V8 juice. It take a fair while to heal a damaged pancreas. Are you taking your digestive enzyms with eating solid fruits. I found a site that has some decent recipe ideas for us AP people. It is entirely possible that certain products, and the cream chese could be one, are fairly safe. Not long ago a person I know had gallbladder surgery. The surgeons at Mayo I saw a few weeks ago after an extensive MRI said removing the rest is too dangerous from a surgical perspective. If it is sphincter of oddi, an ERCP would be done to fix it. After one week from being discharged my Lipase levels were at 2,500 (that was a week ago). No one has really said anything to me about exercise. I topped it with nutritional yeast instead of cheese. He protects me, He comforts me, He leads me to life saving or improving information. Carvedilol is a beta blocker which may or may not be ok. People who have gallstones usually eject them from time to time. the last my lipase was 15,000. I sure the hell wish I had kept taking my supplements and had read that label. Other beans have about the same amout of fat with maybe a tad less protein. I got as low as 139 a year after the surgery and it was very scary. Many people who suffer from pancreatitis believe what their doctor tells them regarding what should be safe for their pancreatitis diet. What thoughts do you have on the food diary and timing, when it comes to watching for trigger foods. If you start having symptoms increase the dose until you are good to go. I am assuming this is the cleansing step before creating your food diary. Autoimmune pancreatitis most often presents as CP first. Of course last week was thanksgiving and my pancreas must have hated me because I stuffed myself with thanksgiving treats. Or do you have SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction). You can find a bunch of my diet info on this blog as well. Some folks heal fast, some heal slow, especially if they are heavily damaged. Without going into the full history, ive recently had a stent placed in the pancreatic duct, about 1 and a half months ago, im getting it removed in 3 weeks. Most people who have narcolepsy have low levels of hypocretin. When I read your blog, it made more sense to me than anything I had seen before. I realize, when I get to the point of added foods, I could just try it and see but I was wanting your opinion. I can smell the alcohol and you will too. There has to be something that is triggering those attacks. Probably ok Miroslav cuz ox bile is in Now Super Enzymes which I use daily when I eat. Thanks for sharing all the precious info on beating pancreatitis. Hey guys, I bought grapeseed oil because it does say 0 fat on the bottle. When you get with your original doctor who diagnosed you with CP you might want to ask him why he feels you have CP and what caused it. I had achilles tendinitis when I was younger and I would feel the pain whenever I. Please let me know your experience with gallbladder removal surgery. That is why the food diary (with proper prep) is so important. You have the worst acute pancreatitis attack of your life. Boost Nutrition Bars have 7 grams of fat per bar and are NOT gluten free. Fear is your enemy just like food and alcohol. So in fact, there are probably more NON-alcoholics, than alcoholics that have pancreatitis. Can you imagine in so-called soft diet they have given him spicy curry. No fat is interesting because it is oil and all oil contains fat. I was discharged with levels of 9,000 and little to no pain. I have no fat Greek yoghurt too no troubles. But without gallbladder I still have pancreatic pains-thanks to your advice I take GSE and the pains disappeare. I know you said removing the gallbladder is risky. Seen a to return in the evening, and eventually subsides by late evening. By the way I also just noticed you said you were using grape seed oil. I went on the no food or drink by mouth for 3 days. It would be nice for you to know why your doc thinks you have it. I had been managing my pancreatic pain pretty good. I was wondering if you can help with some information. Hi Health guy, Thanks again for the reply. He either showed, told or helped me find everything I have done past and present to live pain free and so far 36 years after my diagnosis of acute and chronic pancreatitis and for 26 years more than the doctor who diagnosed me said I might have. You can find more valuable information on the Internet. 5 to 10 pct chance I would not survive the surgery and that was an unacceptable risk. This means that a cookie will stay on your computer even when you exit or close your browser which may reduce your levels of privacy and security. IF you have no symptoms from it you may be ok with using curcumin. It looks like the pancreas gets upset every time I eat. I made a vegetable lasagne last week with only vegetables, ie spinach, pumpkin, zucchini layered with home made tomato pasta sauce with garlic, onion and basil (with some tobasco sauce) and lasagne sheets. It has close to zero fat in contrast to supplements extracted from whey or soya so it should be OK. When I was in the hospital in January, once 4 days went by they told me I could eat. Also for many years I ate fats and oil with no issue. Multiple times a month and trying to avoid hospitalization. I did not appreciate the fact that things can have a delayed reaction like that until finding it on your site. In March i was hospitalized for 7 days with pancreatitis. Ibuprofen has not been kind to my sister and her daughter who both have pancrentitis, just a thought. If you are a steak and bacon lover like I was adhering to a pancreatitis diet is not going to be an enjoyable experience for a while. Can you please confirm if grapefruit juice can cause kidney stones or not. In the mean time focus more on what you can eat without getting sick. I just never noticed my urine during an attack. You are going to lose weight until you heal. Can someone this ill still heal their body to a degree. As well as no gallstones or anything showing up out of the ordinary in the three ultrasounds ive had. Prior to this I had been to the ER, in April, July and december of 2013. Are there any other tests that might help accurately diagnosis early cp. After a couple of weeks we noticed that he was not vomiting or feeling nauseated for the most. I was getting mucus on my stools due to my pancreas not digesting food well. Sneha I am sorry to hear about your husband. Those with extensive damage are going to tolerate far less than those who have little damage. I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis a little over two weeks ago, my lipase levels were 21,800 when I was admitted. he is diabetic since 13 years. Some meals, fattier ones do see to bring in the pain. Most commercial bread has about 2 grams of fat per slice. It does. Once you no longer have symptoms (pain, nausea) you can begin to add in safe protein sources such as poultry and white meat fish. Have you tried what The Health Guy recommends Ibprofen in higher doses for pain. Husband talked me into going to the doc and he is setting up an appointment with a specialist. compared to 5 g per oz of beef. In trying to work the fat out of my diet, but do you think these things can help as well. You may have to increase the grape seed extract even more.

Your knowledge and experience had been extremely helpful, thank you. So, needless to say, I was petrified to eat when I got home. They are guessing now that is caused from acidic foods, such as apples, lemons, oranges, pineapples, beetroot etc. It can make us more profound and compassionate people in the long run. Sand is nothing more than small bits of sharp rock. Poultry ( skinless chicken, turkey, grouse, pheasant, quail). A better choice for now (AFTER you are completely over your AP) would be white meat fish like pollock, cod, perch and bass. It was one hell of an acute pancreatitis attack. Is there anything to that notion, or am I just getting too skeptical. Her chronic pancreatitis was confirmed from the reports which showed a little shrinkage in pancreas, hence there were no other symptoms like calcification, gall stones etc. My CT scan showed obvious inflammation of the pancreas and no signs of pseudocysts or blockages but the GI thinks its gallbladder. I would go with crushing the C and putting the C and the grape seed into the formula. Also, where do I get your supplements that cured the amazing story of the guy with the feeding tube at thanksgiving. Pasta without oil or and without sauces that have oil, cream, meat or other high fat stuff should be fine. Took him 2 hours and 15 minutes to stent it open. The good news is I have read where stenting sometimes cures Pancreas Divisum and sometimes not. They often stay elevated for up to 7 days. Like I said, a lot depends on how much damage you have sustained. Whipp 6mo later I keep having reoccurring pancreatitis. Cod contains quality fish oil just not as much as oily cold water fish like salmon, trout, mackerel and sardines. Really hurt over all this but feeling more empowered because knowing the WHY gives you power. Coconut, coconut oil and coconut milk all contain too much fat. I promise to read everything before asking questions so as to not waste your time. In and out of hospitals, now diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. So if you weigh 150 you want to take at least 150 mgs per day of grape seed to see how that works for you. FAT and alcohol are the major food triggers. I saw some articles saying it has high oxalate content that can turn in to kidney stones. I really only had bad pain for about 2 days. The other possibility is to have sphyncter of ODDI spasm. When you think about solid food for your pancreatitis diet when you are NOT yet healed, think VEGAN until you no longer have pain. Step 2 re-read the above post about a proper pancreatitis diet. I am very scared and depressed, that is why I am posting on this blog to find some comfort. The surgeon said my body was just reacting to the foriegn body of the stents and I did not have pancreatitis. I also take the supplements: grape seed 3x180mg, curcumin 3x667mg, vitamin C 3x1000mg. Alcohol (can cause original pancreatitis and repeat attacks) and fat are the enemies when one has been diagnosed with pancreatitis. I actually have not tried the fat free cream cheese health guy. Read the post on doing a proper food diary. The doctor looked at his blood result and confirmed that it was abnormal. I would start by contacting someone at ACAM, they train doctors to do proper chelation protocol, and ask them if there is a doctor in your area you could contact. It may defy logic, but our pain and suffering have a redemptive quality. I have no clue about grapefruit juice and kidney stones. Original Boost is ok it has 4 grams of fat per serving but you are reaching the 5 grams fat limit per meal. His spleen, left lung, left kidney, bladder and upper colon, duodenum, and abdominal cavity have been impacted, and his pancreas is full of pseudo cysts that are quite large. In every laparoscopyc gallbladder surgery doctors put clips. Now most folks would have blamed the beans and rice I ate the night the attack began but I in fact knew better. My ultrasound, ct-scan and blood tests all came out good(which was a big relief for me) and he just said I had some small inflammation. PORK is a very pancreas inflaming food and this taught me the hard way that even pork intestines (used for casings) are not safe. I think I need to go back to church get off the pity pot and get strong if I want to live according to your website. I stopped eating red meat, fried foods, all fats and sugar over a year ago when I was diagnosed. After bouts of illness all of my life, gallbladder removal,etc. Every now and then I take a vitamin D3 suplement (1,000 IU). Meals should contain no more than 5 grams of fat with total daily fat intake at 25 grams. Then increase some more until you see the results you want. Please let me know if we can speak or communicate via email or something. Food is not your friend if you have had enough damage done to your pancreas. After years on MY pancreatitis diet and the supplements I became able to eat almost constantly without any ill effects as long as I did not eat anything that was not on the list. Hello Health Guy: I use to take Fish Oil 1000mg,after the Acute Pancreatitis, I am stopped taking it, it is safe to start taking it. Grapefruit interacts unfavorably with certain drugs so if you are on meds you should ask your doctor and phamacist before taking it. Read this on testing and then scour the page. Cook egg whites in a good, non-stick pan, no oil. 5 so I am almost fat lol. And was fine when I went to bed but was woken up with extreme pain that Saturday morning. Now his heart rate is high and there is respiratory distress at times. Definitely take the supplements. Basically my story isnt something you havnt heard. It can be purchased as an OTC supplement. Everything he needs to heal can be found somewhere on my two blogs. I am interested in the supplements that should be taken. I still eat fruit and broccoli and brussel sprouts, other veggies. There is no cure for chronic pancreatitis and most people who have more than just one mild acute pancreatitis attack usually end up with CP. I would guess that with your amount of damage you will likely encounter problems the rest of your life unless God steps in and completely heals you. The reason I ask is maybe they have her taking too much and that is causing the pain because eating sometimes relieves the pain, right. Amylase and lipase are usually not normal during an acute pancreatitis attack. I try adding food as slowly as possible but the hunger pangs kick in pretty strong. I asked Boston GI how could my doc at umass an intelligent man be so wrong he said an EUS is just reading different areas of gray. They (doctors) used to administer a test called the Nardi test to diagnose SOD and that test was morphine and prostigmine in combination which caused the SO to spasm and very often caused acute pancreatitis. Some people can tolerate no fat milk, others can not. What can happen is the next insulin dose ends up combining with the previous dose and it can drop your BS dramatically. This is my diet for months and I have no trouble. I emptied out the said amount into a little bowl and added purified water. At that level my weight had stabilized a few months back but it was still full of stuff that was not good. The high protein version has 6 grams of fat which is pushing the envelope. Does your homeopath have you on edta chelation. It is always wise to seek professional help when you are sick. No periods for 2 mnths pregnancy kit -ve. Once your starting to feel better you can eat these more solid foods rather than juices and soups. Even if they have taken his gallbladder out he may have been passing stones and sludge for years which may have caused scarring of his sphincter of oddi which could cause bile and digestive juices to back up into the pancreatic duct and cause another bout of acute pancreatitis. I hope the no fat no oil diet you suggested prevents another attack. In 2012 I ate fruits and then made a dish with Hunts diced tomatoes, zucchini, kale, 5 black olives broken up in it and finally diced pre-baked white chicken breast. Prescription drugs are a more sinister cause than people are told with the worst being statins, antidepressants, immunosuppressants, diabetes meds, and some blood pressure meds. Anyway, you have to do what you think is right for you. I also bought Tumeric and was about to buy Curcumin but held off. I tell everyone I am not a doc and that if someone does what I did and or still do they do it at their own risk and need to decide, for themselves, what is right for them. Hi John, sorry to hear you have been drafted into the pancreatitis hall of pain. I am glad your husband was able to get up and walk. Note: she is following strict vegan diet with no oil. Garlic in pure raw form offers antimicrobial properties as well. And lastly, did they find any gallstones during the ultrasound. 1 serving which is a tbsp (6 grams), according to the data contains 1 fat gram. Once the pancreas has been destroyed enough, either by acute attacks or chronic inflammation, the enzyme levels may not rise at all due to the fact the pancreas is no longer able to produce them. now he is on insulin. Has a similar taste to cheese without the fat. Was given morphine ( 4 times)and 2 30 minute bags of IV solution. Both apparently stimulate the pancreas and I want to stimulate it as little as possible. those coupled with diet should result in vast improvement. 2015, the doctor( my doctor) gave me approx. Not eating or eating very little has helped bring the pain under control, but then I lose some weight each time. I dont know what to do-I think my end is close. (Same for dinner 4 hours later before the kitchen closed. Frankly I was close to giving in and going to the hospital so I am really glad that shit ceased. Do you know of anything that would support this. I think this is painkiller. It is possible that the guy in Boston is right and you could have some form of IBS which can be painful too. I often wake up with it, but once I start moving around it subsides. I think you should worry more about getting well. I know food can taste better but I stuck with no more than 8 g of fat. I have been keeping to your diet but am struggling to go to toilet as there is not enough fat in my diet and am also struggling to pick up weight. That increased bile flow is also what causes the shphincter of oddi to get angry. SOD, sphincter of oddi dysfunction is also a cause of acute pancreatitis. Food is NOT a pancreatitis patients freind, especially when the person (your dad) is sick. To make a long story short he ate Thanksgiving dinner with his family. If so, I am really curious to find out whether it helps you or not. Hello,The Health Guy, the freka tube of my husband has been removed today. This video contains a fascinating 48-minutes of great information and perspective from someone who has dedicated her life to helping others overcome serious illness. Manufacturers use it as a cheap sweetener like they use hfc (high fructose corn syrup). Hi health guy, I have a question for you I am really frustrated. I have had 3 very painful episodes of pancreatitis since December last. I have to tell you what happened after I went to see my GP after being hospitalized for acute pancreatitis. I would like other tests for him to reaffirm that belief. I have read some scholar type articles that suggest the pancreas can possibly renew, regenerate small amounts of damage but regenerating 80% of a pancreas would be an incredible feat that only God could perform. A little ray of light is the fact that he is not feeling any abdominal pain now without any form of painkiller. But I wonder if there is something else going on. I actually thought this procedure will stop any future attacks. By the way, I remebered something that might interest you. it says my bmi is 24. NOTHING else should be with your grape seed extract. On July 20th, I was in the ER for extreme pain. I know he is going to make me go through the torture tests since I am in a new city now. My urine turned very dark yellow during my attack. Ferdinand, it is perfectly fine to ask questions. An unhealthy pancreas (inflamed) may not tolerate large amounts of food at one time. But what came back was abnormal blood flow to the portal vein. I try not to eat a whole lot of real foods and do protein shakes. I simply happen to know what works for me and seems to work for others who do exactly what I do. I was then admitted to the hospital for my lipase level was 2950. I guess it all depends on the Doctor and the treatment. To Misrolav, I hope I spelled that right. Be advised not all supplements, OTC drugs and prescription drugs are listed. It some times goes to the right side and feels better when I press against it and fold my arms. How to improvise, adapt and overcome (ok, the U. Since long-term pancreas inflammation has been linked to an increased pancreatic cancer risk it only enforces the the common sense solution of eliminating the inflammation, as soon as possible and of course keeping it from coming back. No I said fat free protein such as egg whites, legumes (red, black, white, pinto beans, peas, lentils, blackeyed peas, garbonzo beans) are fine while healing and maybe fat free milk, the milk in small amounts, because even fat free dairy may not work for some due to a pesky phosphoprotein called casien that is found in all dairy products. HG, do you recommend a particular brand of grape seed extract, and the other supplements you recommend. No bad, high fat content foods (red meat, pork, lamb, duck, mayo, butter, avocado, coconut, oils, etc). Diet (normal foods) has never been associated as being a cause of pancreatitis (alcohol is an exception). How are we supposed to trust these people that we give our money to. 16 hours of IV solution, clear diet for 2 meals and when I checked out (after 24 hours), was 100% perfect. After pancreatitis how many times did you take your supplements. I use Now Foods grape seed extract 100 mgs Vcaps (200) because they are gluten free and each cap also contains 330 mgs of vitamin C but your Solgar brand is a quality product however I believe Now Foods grape seed is less expensive or the same price for double the amount of capsules. I have been reading many of your posts repeatedly since my hospital stay, including your other sites. Both are harder to find and more expensive but in my opinion worth it. Hi friends this is hemant from india and am 28 years old. Some of the tests the doctors can do to find gallstones or sludge are ultrasound, an MRCP, or an endo